Thank you for being one of our valued customers. 700Credit is deeply committed to the health and safety of our customers, employees and communities. 700Credit like many companies, has a robust business continuity plan and emergency procedures that predate the COVID-19 outbreak. Over the recent weeks we have been implementing those plans and ensuring their effectiveness. In addition, we are leveraging the guidance of the CDC and state and local authorities.
What You Should Know
Travel: All business travel has been put on hold.
Work from Home Policy: All employees have been requested to work from home except in those situations where their presence in the office may be necessary. All 700Credit employees have the necessary equipment (multiple monitors, work phone, etc.) to effectively perform their job remotely.
After consideration of all options, we believe that it is our obligation to do everything we can to focus on maximizing social distancing and limiting employee exposure to the virus. By taking the preventive actions of asking all other employees to work from home, we will reduce exposure of those in-office employees and create a lower risk environment.
We will continue to keep you posted. In the meantime, if you have questions, please call our support line at 866.273.3848
Stay Safe!
Ken Hill
Managing Director