Did you know that 700Credit is a certified vendor with the FCA Digital program? We were the first vendor to be certified for both pre-qualification (QuickQualify) and credit applications (QuickApp) for FCA dealer websites.

Benefits of certification in this program include:

  • QuickQualify and QuickApplication can now be ordered directly through the FCA Digital Dealer portal.
  • Your QuickQualify and QuickApplication lead data will be incorporated into the FCA Insight Analytics platform, which highlights the most important website, leads, advertising, reputation, and showroom activity metrics.
  • Program support is available through FCA Digital VIP Support for ALL program-related questions.

To get started today:

  1. Navigate to www.fcadigitaldealer.com
  2. Select the Lead Generators menu item
  3. Select Finance Applications
  4. Click on 700Credit and go!

A 700Credit representative will be reaching out to you shortly to walk you through this process and answer any questions.